Up Coming Projects



The projects carried out by Hisani Foundation are funded through partnerships with like-minded individuals and organizations. The projects under the foundation are self-sustainable through alternate financing subject to availability of funds. The foundation intends to work with women and youth groups to facilitate them to obtain business skills in order to trade and grow their businesses for long term sustainability. The foundation has identified aquaculture particularly fish cage farming as a valuable strategy for employment generation, regional development, and food security within the Seme Constituency and the Lake region at large. This has been necessitated by the fact that the populations of wild caught fish continue to decline, dwindling the national fish supply and increasing demand for fish. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in a recent report stated that until recently, aquaculture in Kenya had stagnated at an annual production of around 1 000 tonnes.

The focus is now on encouraging the development of private, commercial large-scale aquaculture, which is likely to increase Kenya’s production to about 12 000 tonnes. The Government of Kenya through the Department of Fisheries has increased its efforts to promote aquaculture as one of the means to eradicate poverty and hunger. This has been marked by aggressive research, training and private sector involvement in aquaculture. Production in real terms has doubled and is set to grow by over 1 000 percent (ten times). The prevailing conditions combine good prices and high demand, which are likely to boost fish production from aquaculture. In this context, the Foundation has prioritized the development of aquaculture to take advantage of aquatic resources in support of fish production to meet the ever-increasing demand for fish.  This situation was further exacerbated by poor extension services and inadequate reporting and documentation. Since 1999, however, through consistent efforts in on-farm research and training, Kenya’s aquaculture production has risen and is currently likely to be almost 1 500 tonnes. 

Our Intentions


Youth Polytechnic


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